Hemp has been a traditional food source in Europe for thousands of years. All parts of the plant, except the stems, have been consumed. The seeds are particularly rich in high-quality protein and have a unique spectrum of essential fatty acids. Furthermore, the flowers and leaves are rich in valuable phytochemicals (cannabinoids, terpenes, and polyphenols).
The nutritional characteristics of hemp make it an excellent source of nutrients for people and animals. Hemp can be consumed in the form of raw or hulled seeds, seed meal, and seed oil. The pressing of hemp seeds to obtain oil generates, as a by-product, hemp seed cakes, which are rich in protein and dietary fiber, and are consumed as feed.
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a widely cultivated plant mainly due to its industrial importance, since its fiber is used in the production of durable fabrics and special papers. In this sense, hemp seeds represent a by-product that is of interest and is used by other industries for the production of food
The growing importance of the industrial use of hemp in food production lies mainly in its nutritional benefits. The composition of hemp flour depends on the variety and location of the plantation and differs depending on the preparation and degreasing.
Hemp seed has been used to treat various disorders for thousands of years in traditional oriental medicine. There are recent clinical trials in which hemp seed oil has been identified as a functional food, and there are studies on animal feed that demonstrate the usefulness of the seed as an important nutritional resource.
From Castilla Bio Lab, based on the knowledge and experience about hemp associated with the work of our research team in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production and Welfare, we want to take advantage of this nutritional potential within animal nutrition but also its therapeutic benefits.
Castilla Bio Lab